Demana hora per a la revisió del teu vehicle

Revisió, reparació i manteniment amb professionals qualificats.

Més de 55 anys d'experiència al sector.

Preus justos amb descomptes i promocions.

Pressupost sense compromís per al teu vehicle.

A spacious and well-lit automotive repair shop with several vehicles, including a truck on a lift and another with its hood open. The area is organized with tools and equipment scattered around workstations, with blue car lifts and various service bays visible.
A spacious and well-lit automotive repair shop with several vehicles, including a truck on a lift and another with its hood open. The area is organized with tools and equipment scattered around workstations, with blue car lifts and various service bays visible.
Fa 50 anys que treballem per oferir-li el millor servei de manteniment i reparació del seu vehicle.
Fa 50 anys que treballem per oferir-li el millor servei de manteniment i reparació del seu vehicle.
A busy automotive workshop with multiple cars being serviced. One car is elevated on a lift, and a mechanic is working nearby. Several signs and banners with automotive-related text hang on the walls. The environment is industrial, with metal roofing and visible beams.
A busy automotive workshop with multiple cars being serviced. One car is elevated on a lift, and a mechanic is working nearby. Several signs and banners with automotive-related text hang on the walls. The environment is industrial, with metal roofing and visible beams.

Garatge Autopista

Més de 55 anys d'experiència en revisió i manteniment de vehicles amb un servei personalitzat i preus justos.

garatge autopista 2010
garatge autopista 2010

Serveis Complets Vehicles

Oferim revisió, reparació i manteniment del teu vehicle amb professionals qualificats i experiència de 55 anys.

Revisió Vehicles

Revisem el teu vehicle per assegurar el seu bon funcionament i la teva seguretat a la carretera.

revisió vehicles
revisió vehicles
Reparació Vehicles

Realitzem reparacions de qualitat amb preus justos i promocions per adaptar-nos a les teves necessitats.

Manteniment Personalitzat

Manteniment Regular
Reparació Vehicles
Reparació Vehicles

Opinions clients

Descobreix el que diuen els nostres clients satisfets sobre nosaltres.

El servei és excel·lent, sempre em sento ben atès i cuidat.

Jordi Martínez
A spacious automotive workshop with several vintage and classic cars, some on lifts. The interior has a high ceiling with exposed beams and large windows allowing natural light. The walls are adorned with automotive posters and signs, including various brands. An organized yet busy atmosphere with tools and equipment visible.
A spacious automotive workshop with several vintage and classic cars, some on lifts. The interior has a high ceiling with exposed beams and large windows allowing natural light. The walls are adorned with automotive posters and signs, including various brands. An organized yet busy atmosphere with tools and equipment visible.


Garatge Autopista m'ha ajudat a mantenir el meu vehicle en perfecte estat. Sempre són professionals i ofereixen un servei de qualitat amb preus justos.

A blue car is parked inside a mechanic's workshop. The car is raised on a jack with its front wheel removed, indicating ongoing repair or maintenance work. Various tools and equipment are visible around the car, including a red hydraulic jack in the foreground and several mechanics' tools hanging from the ceiling. The workshop is partially open, with sunlight casting shadows on the concrete floor and blue corrugated metal walls.
A blue car is parked inside a mechanic's workshop. The car is raised on a jack with its front wheel removed, indicating ongoing repair or maintenance work. Various tools and equipment are visible around the car, including a red hydraulic jack in the foreground and several mechanics' tools hanging from the ceiling. The workshop is partially open, with sunlight casting shadows on the concrete floor and blue corrugated metal walls.
Anna Pujol



Galeria Taller

Descobreix els nostres serveis de revisió i manteniment de vehicles.

garatge autopista 7 de enero de 1983
garatge autopista 7 de enero de 1983